oh, ya wanna hear the funniest thing on earth! i just got in a car accident the other day and was like 1-2 seconds from being killed, and guess what the FIRST thing that i thought about after i got home and realized how close to death I was-- yep, "but i haven't even knitted everything i've wanted to knit yet" ha hahahahahahahahahahaha!!!!!!
that's so frickin funny to me that the first thing i thought about was knitting, hillarious
it was so funny, as soon as i got home and was still like stunned from the crash (totally unscathed but totalled my car) i was like (in a kinda donna reid/slash/stepford wives kinda voice), "gosh, i really have to get to the thrift store and find a cashmere sweater i can frog so i can make something from it." isn't that hillarious? aren't you guys just dying laughing??? i am. anyways, i feel like my life has changed and i need to seriously appreciate more because i've been driving for like 16 plus years and never once had an accident and totally thought i was invicible well now i'm severely humbled by the whole thing, but laughingly know where my priorites lie ...yarn...husband...the kids(cats)hee hee